2013 Wrap up

Whoa! I did not mean to abandon my blog for so long. I was completely absorbed for all of Q4 on a fantastic global qual project: doing in-home focus groups and shop-alongs in the US, India and Morocco as part of an 8-country study. Now that that’s done, I wanted to recap 2013 for Jessica Broome Research.

2013 Wrap up

By the numbers:

22 projects (ranging from 2.5 hours to 3 months)

22 in-depth interviews, 10 focus groups, 15 questionnaires, 21 reports

15 clients (10 of whom were new this year; 1 of whom was pro bono)

4 multi-country studies involving a total of 19 countries

3 students enrolled in my Skillshare class on Questionnaire Design

3 referrals from past clients

3 proposals that didn’t turn into work

2 projects that I had to turn down

2 papers published in academic journals (here and here)


As usual, I worked on research related to all kinds of topics. I had clients in a lot of familiar sectors: higher ed, social services, food, consumer packaged goods, finance and health care. And while I did one-off work on everything from banks to batteries and hotels to hearing aids, I thought it was interesting that I got to cover a few subject areas more than once:

Charitable giving (2 studies)

Childhood (3 studies)

Employee satisfaction (3 studies)

Internal communications (2 studies)

Life insurance (2 studies)


Next week I’ll share some goals for 2014. Thanks for all your support this year!

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